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Enter Trading Term:  

Quarterly Refunding     

Auctions of Treasury notes and bonds occurring in May, August, November, and February.

Quick Order     

See Fill or Kill Order.


Quarterly Income Capital Securities created by Lehman Brothers.  These are subordinated debentures with interest payments that can be deferred at the issuer's option, usually for up to five years.  Usually sold in small denominations (generally $25 per bond), paying quarterly interest.


Quarterly Income Debt Securities created by Goldman Sachs & Co.  These are junior subordinated debentures with interest payments that can be deferred at the issuer's option, usually for up to five years.  They have been issued in exchange for a company's preferred stock.  Interest is deductible for corporate income tax purposes while preferred stock dividends are not.  Usually sold in small denominations (generally $25 per bond), paying quarterly interest.


The actual price or the bid or ask price of either cash commodities or futures or options contracts at a particular time. Often called a Quote.


An indicative market price; shows the highest bid and/or lowest ask price available on a security at any given time.

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