Investor Services

MARWEB-Online Trader Analysis Software
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 Investor Advisory Services

Managed Account Research, Inc. specializes in managed account search and screening, and the design and construction of diversified alternative investment trading portfolios for private and institutional investors by assisting them in allocating risk capital to professional managers with proven trading programs. Our clients participate in investment opportunities that encompass all tradable markets that influence worldwide capital and commodity flows, as well as every trading strategy and investment style available in the managed account arena.

Managed Accounts Research, Inc.'s (MARI) unique services can be classified into three distinct areas of value.


                                                                             & REPORTING

Managed Account Screening & Advisement

MARI identifies, evaluates and recommends CTAs and managed pools and funds, that attempt to achieve superior investment results with less relative risk than traditional buy and hold strategies on a highly consistent basis. Using MARWEB and PORTFCTA, our proprietary analysis and evaluation software applications, we identify possible trading advisors and develop custom non-correlated multi-advisor portfolios and blends for our clients.

Managed Account Brokerage

MARI is strategically aligned with the Man Financial Inc., as an Independent Introducing Broker (IIB). Man Financial provides our clients superior service and global clearing for our fixed income, foreign exchange, derivative and futures transactions. Additionally, MARI can introduce other prime dealers and clearing firms to our clients depending on the investment program recommended. Client accounts are held by registered clearing firms and trading orders are executed by the registered Commodity Trading Advisors on behalf of our clients, using the clearing firms’ vast financial and worldwide execution and brokering resources.

Managed Account Monitoring & Reporting

Through its database applications, and monthly and quarterly publications, MARI evaluates and reports on our client’s investments and strategies to achieve continued fulfillment of their goals and objectives.


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